Bhagat Chhajju Ram

 Bhagat Chhajju Ram of R.S. Pura,Jammu

(Respectfully Remembering him on his 31st Death Anniversary falling on May,22,2021)

Today is the Death Anniversary of Late Bhagat Chhajju Ram Ji, who left this mortal World on this day 22.05.1989. Born on 07.03. 1907.

Bhagat Chhajju Ram Ji

He lived and served the humanity particularly in J&K state as Hon'ble member Praja Sabha before 1947; MLA R.S. Pura; MLA Bishanah; Hon'ble Cabinet Minister; MLC; President, Pradesh Congress Committee Jammu & Kashmir.

Popularly known as "रियासती गाँधी", he followed the Gandhian Philosophy throughout his life, lived a simple life and always believed in simple living and high thinking.

He was eldest of the three siblings: one brother and one sister. He lost his father when he was a young boy and had to quit his studies in 8th class to take care of the younger siblings at the tender age of 14 years. He learnt the vocation of tailoring to feed them and his mother. He was studying in Lahore when his father died. Later on, he started a cloth shop in R S Pura in which Lala Karam Chand Arora whom he invited to join as a partner. It was necessitated with his growing involvement with social awakening programmes. 

He started his social journey from Arya Samaj.He had joined the Arya Samaj in Lahore and was working in Jammu in close liasion with Lal Hans Raj Mahajan ( of famous Mahajan Sports of Jalandhar , then at Lahore). Arya Samaj Movement especially against UNTOUCHABILITY and CASTEISM owes much to Bhagat Sahib. He lead the Arya Samaj in cohesing the society to rid it of the social evils existing in the sociaety particularly Hindus. He was instrumental in establishing Ary Samaj at R S Pura and Arya Samaj Mandir at Shastri Nagar (Gandhi Nagar). 

On Socio-Political Front, he started his journey by forming MEGH MANDAL which primarily worked among the the huge majority of Megh community in Jammu and surrounding areas for their social and political amelioration and emancipation. He used to hold social gathering delivering lectures and exhorting people for education, Popularly known as"Yag" community kitchen was usually organised on such assemblies.

A voracious and interestingly wonderful speaker, he was. His speeches were a mount of wits to which people listened passionately with pin drop silence and heart full laughter. 

He was a staunch follower of Kabir Sahib and established Kabir Kalyan Kendra at Jhiri Kahnachak as an excellent centre for social development. He had founded a social magazine "KABIR SANDESH" to spread the teachings of Kabir Sahib. He was the ideologue and patron of the Sant Kabir movement in J&K and patronised the organisation of ever first Kabir Sabha Bishnah in 1980.

He was the the campaign manager of election of Mufti Mohmmad Sayyad as MLA from R S Pura, who won ever from Jammu in1986.

He was a Friend, Philosopher and Guide.

He had established a trust " Bhagat Chhajju Ram Trust " for social service especially for the sick, destitute and infirm to whom mrdicines were distributed every month.

He did not own a house, have a fast conveyance like car all his life and lived in rented accommodation. Sheikh Mohd. Abdullah the then H'ble Chief Minister knowing that Bhagat chhajju Ram did not a house allot a govt. accommodation to him till he survives. 

We remember him from the core of heart and pay our Source Bharat Bhushan Bhagat,Chandigarh homage.

Bhagat Chhajju Ram,Gandhi Of J&K

(Respectfully Remembering him on his31st Death Anniversary falling on 22May,2021)


Bhagat  Chhajju Ram was born at Ranbhir Singh Pura on  07-03-1907  to Shri Bhanga Ram and Shrimati Hari Devi Ji. He was eldest of the three siblingsof his parents,twosonsand one daughter. He was studying in8th class at Lahore when his father died.At the time of death of  his father he had to quit his studies to take care of the his brother and sister  at the tender age of 14 years.His parents belonged toHindu Jullaha or Megh Caste ,one of recognized Scheduled Castes out of 13in all in J&K. BhagatChhajju Ram was tall,fair colored but athinleanskelton. He was teetotaler and lived a simple but purposeful life. Bhagat Chhajju Ram was one among the first crop of Scheduled Caste political leaders in Jammu & Kashmir who contribute a lot for the welfare of his brethren. A fearless leader always expressed his views in clear terms without fear or favour. Once, while explaining the helplessness and discriminatory treatment meted out to his people he said “In J&K we see urea in fields and Khajurias( A superior Brahmin sub title) in offices,questioning is partymeeting asking itsleaders that where other needto go”. Ever since creation of J&K StateafterIndian Independence fromDogra Kingdom and even during Kimgdom days Rajputes, Khajuria, Dogra, Mangotra,Sharmas, Dubeysetc. Brahmns have dominated education, administrative  employment, religious affairsmore so in Jammu region,wher Scheduled caste people lived in majority.Brahminsacted asProhits,Pujariesto the Hindutemples, headed Pathshalla ( Local vernacular schools),controlled government schoolsbesidesbeingadvisors to thestate Kings. So only a courageous Dalit with spine could make such remarks against the powerful ruling clout.Bhagat Ji mostly substantiated hisspeech withfunny jokes,short stories,tailored with hard facts, to make home his point to his audiences.Bhagat Chhajju Ramstarted his career as a tailor along with Sh. Duni Chand Bhagat. Due to 1947 turmoil Bhagat Chhajju Ram migrated to Jalander ( Punjab) and established his business in sports goods. But after few years he returned back to his native place and started his old tailoring job and subsequently as a cloth merchant.  Bhagat Chhajju Ram was a committed Arya Samaji and had good rapport with the Mahajans a business community of his place. He successfully established Arya Samaj Mandir at RSPURA and at Shastri Nagar Jammu, his oldageabodecolony .  He made good fortune out of his business.  Bhagat Chhajju Ram was an honest person and he maintained this tag throughout his life. He was called GandhiOf J&K. One of his relations told me that once he stated supplying milk to an army unit with his other partners. Bhagat Chhajju Ram soon pulled out of this business sensing corrupt practices adopted by his partners.Bhagat Chhajju Ram  followed Sadguru Kabir’s teaching and he established Kabir Kalyan Kendra Jiri, Kana Chak ,JiriJammu. Jiri isan important religious place associated with the supreme  sacrifice of a Brahmin farmer  Bawa Jitto along with his toddler daughter Kiri, for their just rights.An Annual fair is held at Jiri,where devotees from some neighbouring states also join in a week long celebrationson Karthik Purnima. Thinking to establishing Kabir  temple at Jiri , where people of all faiths especially all fictions of Scheduled castes join on important occasions, proved a great visionary thought.Bhagat ji planned to display portraits of all Dalit Saints in this  Kendra. Bhagat Chhajju Ram a man of clean habits, continued with thisthroughouthislife  including morning and evening prayers as per Arya Samaj tradition throughout his life. Regular walking, massaging his body with Sarson( Mustrad)oil formed his daily habit. Although he had studied onlyup to 8thclass but had in depth knowledge of the poverty suffering ofhis poorpeople, accordingly he was taking keen interest in ways and means of mitigation of their sufferings. 

Bhagat Chhajju Ram had political bent of mind from his childhood andsaid to havemet Baba Sahib Dr. B.R. Ambedkar at Lahore. Bhagat Chhajju Ram wasone among the founding fathers of Megh Mandal in early 1930. He got this organization merged with Harijan Mandal to make it broad based and representativeof all Scheduled Castesthen known as Harijans. Buthis being instrument to merge Harijan Mandal with National Conference against wishes of many othersaroused great resentment also.Bhagat Chhajju Ram contested unsuccessfully for the Praja Sabha in 1938 but was made member of the J&K Constituent Assembly 1951 . Bhagat Chhajju Ram ji had met Dr. Rajinder Prasad  also along with Mahasha Nahar Singh another prominent Dalit leaderto discuss  problems of their people.Bhagat Chhajju Ram successfully contested elections for Legislative Assembly in 1962,1967,1983 and remained Minister  in the state cabinet for pretty long time. Besides other departments he was Minister for Social Welfare department. Bhagat Chhajju Ram was also MLC. He was Vice President (1967-1970) and Acting President ( 1970-1972) of the Indian National Congress.For a brief period he became a member of the Communist Party when it was formed by many leaders likeGulam Mohd, Sadiq,Ram Paira Saraf,  K.D. Sethi ,G.L. Dogra and others.This was a clout formed against,the Prime Minister of the state Bakashi Gulam Mohd.But soon he returned to National Conferencewith  some other prominent leaders. Bhagat Chhajju Ram had close rapport with many National and State leaders.I had a personal acquaintances with Bhagat Ji from 1960 and he was instrument in getting me admission in the Regional Engineering College ( Now NIT) Srinagar in 1961 from where I passed out as a first Scheduled Caste Engineer in the J&K State in 1966.  Till then no body from all Dalit castes put to gather had privilege to qualify as Engineer.  Bhagat Ji also snatched for me first appointment by giving a tough duel with then PWD Minister, RS Jamwal  in the presence of CM, Late G.M. Sadiq.Bhagat  Ji  was ever ready to help all poor and deprived sections of society more so, poverty riddenincluding Scheduled Castes. J&K State ( Now two UTs)Scheduled Caste leaders of that time namely, Bhagat Chhajju Ram,  Babu Parmanand,  Choudhary Guran Ditta Mal, Jagat Ram Aryan, Babu Milkhi Ram, Mahasha Nahar Singh and others workeddelicatelyfor the welfare of the Dalit masses. They had their personal difference at times but for common cause they were one.  The only common  matter they did not co-operate,  as required was lending helping hand to Amar Shaheed Bhagat Amar nath ji who undertook fast unto death for the cause of Scheduled castes.Frankly speaking I also proposed Bhagat Amarnath ji to delay his decision as our samaj was not prepared for such drastic step.But he was adamant to go ahead with his plans and weunfortunately  we lost himin his death on first of June,1970.With the active fight of our leaders of the times 40 Housing plot were got reserved/allotted to Scheduled caste persons in the Shastri Nagar Jammu colony by the Housing department. Now we have substantial presenceof our people there.This right of scheduled caste had been criminally ignored while developing Gandhi Nagar colonywhen no facility of reservation of plots existed. Hence forth all housing colonies developed by Housing Board or JDA had to keep a reserved a fixed  quota for SCs,. Withthe vision of these leaders in the Medical and Engineering college Srinagar education the Scheduled caste students were granted with both facilities of Scholarship and education Loan against only one facility in the initial yearsbesides reservation of seats.Reservation in the only BEd. college in Jammu was also provided reservation  of seats in admission due to efforts of these leaders. Some people do disservice tothemby restricting themto atheir particular castes,but it was not so in practice. They were seen by me in person as united when Pasmandgifort night Urdu news  paper was launched with Bhagat Amar Nath ji as its editor.Bhagat jiworked for all toiling humanity.He was great instrument in getting established Agriculture College RSPURA, nowSKUASTAgriculture  University RSPURA campus,working to help the farmers,students and generating employment opportunities.He helped spread of education in the area and was instrument in getting scholarships to students, particularly Scheduled castes.


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